María Eugenia Speroni

María Eugenia Speroni, is a musical comedy performer during summer and winter seasons in Argentina but also teaches at her alma mater The Julio Bocca Foundation.
Born March 8, 1989, in the city of Mar de Plata, Argentina, 250 miles south of Buenos Aires where the center of night life is the summer and winter seasons filled with extravagant musicals and theatrical shows promoted with huge brightly lit marques announcing the show and its stars – the highlight of downtown that Maria Eugenia would see as her father would drive her past to see the brightly colored lights that excited her so to want to be a dancer.
Maria Eugenia started dancing at the age of 7, earning medals in national competitions along the way being awarded with a scholarship at the Julio Bocca Foundation recognized for her exceptional talent. She graduated in 2012 as a musical comedy performer and began performing. She was recognized as an outstanding performer at the Grand Rwx Theater as well as other musical shows as Maipo, Tabaris, El Circulo, Lola Menbribes, Coliseo, Roxy, and Radio City. Eugenia danced in Julio Bocca’s ballet with Eleonora Cassano, Fatima Florez, and Moria Emanuel. Her dancing enhanced renowned, prestigious shows as Nombre y Apellido, Madagascar the Musical, Brillantisima, Fatima es Camleonica, Destino Show, Decadas, Aladdin y el genii Maravilloso, Fatina es Magica, Las mil y una Fatina, Cirque XXI, Segunda Vuelta, and Fatima Florez – yo soy asi, which earned awards for best shows of the season.
When not performing Eugenia is teaching at the institution between appearances. She earned scholarships to study in New York City at Point Park University and Steps on Broadway. Maria Eugenia has been dancing in prestigious theatrical works in Argentina performing tours since 2015. In 2018 she graduated as a teacher in classical and contemporary dance at the National University of Art of Argentina. In 2018 she was awarded with “Best Dancer” at the Carlos Awards in Argentina. She also graduated as a Pilates reformer instructor and in 2019 as a yoga instructor. She is passionate about her work and a warrior for her dreams. Currently (2022) she is in the Canary Islands until the season begins again in Buenos Aires.
Instagram: Euge_speroni
Facebook: Eugenia Speroni
YouTube: Eugenia Speroni